Business Partnership Options.
I have been thinking of the ways that we could do business together regarding me making frames for you to sell and I have come up with 4 options below.
Option 1 – Traditional Business Arrangement.
I supply you with frames to your order that you pay for in the traditional manner. You place an initial small order, just 2, 3 or 4 black and white frames. I send you the measuring templates that are described elsewhere. You measure some of your canvases and give me the figures. I make the frames and send them to you. I suggest you trial them by offering frames to your customers at one event a week to see how the initiative works for you. You will sell the frames in anything from a day to a month.
I believe that this would be the most lucrative option for you. Your customers would see them, and buy at the event. If you took debit/credit cards through a service such as Zettle, you could use your phone to take payment by tapping a credit card – I do this and it works well.
Download your Frames Pricing List and Process.
Download information on the 5. Using The Templates.
Option 2 – Provision Of Leaflets And Etsy Discount Code.
You don’t buy any frames, but I would suggest a couple for demonstration purposes. I print out and send you A6 leaflets that have been printed with my details on one side. The details would include the address of my web site that leads through to my ETSY shop, Facebook page, Instagram etc. You could print your own information and logo on the back of the flyer, this information could include whatever you want – website details, QR code, logo etc. I can do the QR code for your website. If you have a studio, I can print out some posters for you.
You put the leaflets on your tables and you tell your customers about the leaflets so they know that they can get some good quality, but low priced frames. I will give you a discount code that you can pass on – you could print it on the back of flyer I send you. This discount code will give your customers an ETSY based discount, and will also allow me to identify you as the source of that customer’s business and allow me to share some of the profit with you.
I don’t make any reference to my Paint and Sip business on – I keep the two totally separate. I do though put a discrete link to my Bob Ross art supplies web site
Option 3 – Provision of Personalised Leaflets And ETSY Discount Code.
We would need to have a discussion about this as I will only do this with an organisation that makes a firm commitment. The leaflets are costly to print out if personalised to your organisation.
You would need to buy some demonstration frames and display them. I would get A6 leaflets printed out and sent to you that have been printed with my details and the details of the web site etc. on one side. I would have your details printed on the other side (after approving the design with you of course).
You put the leaflets on your tables and you tell your customers about the leaflets so they know that they can get some good quality, but low priced frames. I will give you a discount code that you can pass on. This discount code will give your customers an ETSY based discount, and will also allow me to identify you as the source of that customer’s business and allow me to share some of the profit with you. If you have a studio, I can print out some posters for you.
I don’t make any reference to my Paint and Sip business on – keep the two totally separate. I do though put a discrete link to my Bob Ross art supplies web site
Option 4 – I’m Happy To Hear Any Additional Ideas Of Yours.
If you think you have some more ideas then I would be happy to hear them. You can email me at [email protected].