Paint and Sip Introduction

Paint and Sip Introduction.

I sent the email to anyone I can find, involved in the UK P&S sector, who can be described as an independent or regional event organiser. It isn’t going to the 4 organisations that are either nationwide, or are heading nationwide. It is for us the independent, local and regional Guys and Gals who could be doing this as the day (and evening) job or as a side hustle in the evenings. If you are doing it full time then congratulations, you’ve opted out of a 9 to 5 job and now have a 24/7 one.

Some people are very happy with the way things are at the moment and that is good, others want to expand and that is good as well. You don’t have to do anything at all that I suggest, but I think that some of what I suggest can make you a little bit wealthier, and help you sleep a little sounder.

My Background.

I started off in the construction industry, got made redundant in John Major’s recession in the 1990s, and went back to University to do an MBA. Then I went into business as a distributer for an American company who made voting equipment similar to that used on “Who Wants To Be  A Millionaire” when they asked the audience. It was very successful for 15 years, but I ended up going into a partnership with someone who turned out to be a dysfunctional incompetent who not only wrecked his business, but mine as well. I also had family illness problems that worsened matters. So, I know quite a bit (good and bad) about being a small independent businessman/person/whatever and getting life’s dirt thrown at you.

In March 2018 I bought a day job franchise with a company called Ovenclean (we do what it says on the side of the van) and started my own side hustle P&S events business, so I know a bit about the P&S sector too.

The Arty Side.

I don’t have my own art designs, I’m not that creative yet, so licence in a lot of them, usually from North American P&S event organisers. Talking to these people has helped me learn how things are done over the other side of the pond.

My blog posts will be about helping run the business, which is where most small businesses fall down, not doing the business – you know how to do that. I think my posts can save you some time on a day-to-day basis, save you some money, make you some extra money (profit), give you some new ideas, inform you about things that you maybe hadn’t considered and generally make your life a little less stressed. My posts will be unashamedly capitalistic in content, because I (and I think we) are doing this to improve our finances in some way, and if we can do this AND show people they can paint, then GREAT.

Don’t expect much in the way of SEO (search engine optimisation) or digital marketing advice – there are people who specialise in that, and I’m not one of them.

Thanks for reading and I my first next 2 posts are up now. The first one is on how you legally pay less tax. The second is on how, in the run up to Christmas, you can make more profit from the Christmas artwork you do using a POD site – other people have success with it, so why not you. The first few posts are rather long as they are rather time important. I intend doing shorter bite sized posts at least once a week and maybe twice. I will keep them as short as possible, and snappy as well. I hope you find them interesting. If you do, please let me know, if I am wrong somewhere also please let me know. If you don’t want to receive them then unsubscribe, but give me a month or so to prove myself please.

Any questions, comments, requests, or corrections? Please email me [email protected]

About You.

You run P&E events for a number of varied reasons which can include helping other people, doing it for fun, getting satisfaction from it, earning additional income, wanting to make it your sole income, maybe even take over the world. Your reasons are your own, and I respect your reasons.

Happy To Be A Capitalist.

Let me make it clear though that I am an avowed capitalist, and these blog posts will be capitalist oriented. Although I love my day job as an Ovenclean franchisee (women chase me down the street wanting my phone number), I want to wind it down just a little, and grow the arty side a bit more. I would like to employ someone to do the day job and make a full time living from the arty side.

I want to make as much profit as I can, and give very good value for the profit I make. Profit is not a dirty word, the more money that you make then the better standard of living you have, the more security you have and the more savings you have. Furthermore, the more profit you make, the more you will pay in taxation.

The more profit you make, the more the Government gets in tax. The Government cannot tax a loss, it can only tax a profit. We have a legal and moral duty to pay the tax that we owe. It though, is enshrined in a court judgement from 1936 that basically said that the ordinary man or woman has no obligation to arrange their affairs in the way that allows the tax man to take the maximum they can. The less tax you legally pay, the more money you have.

As one of my contacts said to me. “It’s better to be crying in the Bentley than crying in the Mini”. I would say that “money can’t buy you happiness, but it is better to be miserable with it than without it”.