Does It Pay To Advertise?

Does It Pay To Advertise?

When The Recession Comes

What about advertising in a recession.Does it pay to advertise? Oh yes indeed it does. Research going back a hundred years shows that 90% of the organisations that increase advertising in a recession increase sales. It also shows that 90% of the organisations that reduce advertising in a recession lose sales. In talking to people I get the impression that things are certainly better than a year ago but there is a feeling that the….

good times aren’t going to go on for ever and an economic slowdown is getting closer.

Research also shows that organisations that keep advertising during a recession get faster growth AFTER a recession than those that don’t keep advertising. It’s really about getting your name out there. The more people that see your name, the more they are likely to be interested in what you have to say.

Furthermore, if you increase your advertising spend when others are reducing theirs, it means your advertising is more likely to be seen,

If we take advertising to mean getting your name in front of people then there are plenty of ways to do it. Some are free, some will cost you. Either way, it pays to advertise.

Good Ways To Advertise.

Posters and Flyers

Monkey QR CodeFirst of all draw up and print off, some posters and flyers. They should say who you are, what you do, why they will like it etc. Lots of black text and photographs AND DON’T FORGET THE QR CODE for the page you want visitors to land on,

The QR code is a great bit of kit which will take the person who photographs it, straight to your web site. I use QR Code Monkey , or point your camera to the QR on the right.

Print a number of posters and flyers and put them in your car along with some safety pins and sellotape/double sided tape. Maybe also, do a blog post or a webpage specifically for the QR code that you are using, so those people who photograph the QR code will land on your web site that way.

Community Notice Boards.

Put them on community notice boards wherever you find them. Put them up in shops (whether big Morrison’s or a small local Co-op). Your local library or your local community centre. Once they are up, people will start to see them and these will be people who missed you completely on Facebook or Instagram. Everyone who sees these is one more person who could be interested in attending an event, or maybe booking a private event. Some examples of posters. Bob Ross A4    Simply Simple Frames A4    Full A4

At Your Venues

Get some A5 sheets printed with information about your next upcoming event and hand them over to your venue. Many pub venues will be happy to put them on the tables for people to see. Those venues though that have a strict image policy will be happy to put them where people can see them. Here is an example of one of my table flyers Ottoman Front Door Front Ottoman Front Door Back

Why not buy some cheap wall frames that allow you to change the poster? Put them in the men’s toilets on the walls and in the ladies cubicles on the inside of the doors – it will give them something to read and photograph.


Keep them updated and fresh.

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