VAT Registration Things And How To Avoid It

VAT Registration Things and How To Avoid It

HMRC LogoYou can avoid having to register for VAT. Having to get VAT registered is not the disaster people make it out to be. Using an accounting software package simplifies the whole procedure and you can claim back VAT on your costs. There is also a VAT action a Government can take that will wreck our businesses. Read on….

read more about keeping your own money

Does It Pay To Advertise?

Does It Pay To Advertise?

When The Recession Comes

What about advertising in a recession.Does it pay to advertise? Oh yes indeed it does. Research going back a hundred years shows that 90% of the organisations that increase advertising in a recession increase sales. It also shows that 90% of the organisations that reduce advertising in a recession lose sales. In talking to people I get the impression that things are certainly better than a year ago but there is a feeling that the….

What you going to do when the recession comes for you

More Profit At Christmas

More Profit At Christmas


I will concentrate on making more profit at Christmas in this post, and will expand on the subject of POD (Print on Demand) sites in a later post. You could upload an image for ALL of your events, and it could, over time, give you a good residual income. Read On

Paint and Sip Introduction

Paint and Sip Introduction.

I sent the email to anyone I can find, involved in the UK P&S sector, who can be described as an independent or regional event organiser. It isn’t going to the 4 organisations that are either nationwide, or are heading nationwide. It is for us the independent, local and regional Guys and Gals who could be doing this as the day (and evening) job or as a side hustle in the evenings. If you are doing it full time then congratulations, you’ve opted out of a 9 to 5 job and now have a 24/7 one. Continue reading