About Me – Russell Collins
With my interest in creating art and being a Bob Ross Certified Instructor, I jumped at the opportunity to buy a 2nd hand Morso based professional set of frame making equipment from a retiring framer before Covid. Along with the equipment came about 7 miles of moulding which I slowly got through by making frames for people who came to my classes, and a few customers who were looking for some decent, but low cost frames.
I did a bit of research and found that very few organisations made picture frames to sell online; floating frames yes, and photo frames yes, but not picture frames. So, I have decided to give it a go. I am making low cost, but well-made simple picture and floating frames for people who want to make their paintings look a little nicer. Just black and white at the moment, but happier to do other colours if there is a demand for them.
I have had some comments along the lines of “how can you make them properly at that low price”. My response is multi-faceted, I have a day job as a Franchisee with an organisation called OvenClean (about 100 of us do what it says on the side of the van) and I don’t need to make a living from making frames. I also don’t have to pay for premises as I do it at home in a garden shed. I am also keeping things very simple.