The Term Paint and Sip Has Been Trade Marked

Paint And Sip UK Trademark

It appears that a company now owns a trade mark on the term “Paint and Sip UK” and this is their web site:

What Does It Mean

I have no idea , but it wouldn’t surprise me if we got emails saying that we are in breach of their trade mark and must cease and desist, or pay lots of money to licence the term from them. If they do contact you, or threaten you then it needs to be taken seriously, and their communication needs to be replied to. I have been told though, that it only begins to get serious when you receive a formal letter from a lawyer. If you are contacted ask for explicit details of the alleged breach. The trademark is “Paint and Sip UK” and not “Paint and Sip”

It might be wise though to not include the term UK in the vicinity of the words Paint and Sip.

For further information on the trade mark itself, and what it mean go to this web site: